Complementary Therapies

For maximum efficacy, these complementary therapies, also known as Biological Tumour Therapies may be performed along with ASI®. However, it may be prescribed by our specialists as mandatory treatment in according to the stages of disease.

  1. Electro Magnetic Field Therapy
    • Application of magnetic fields on parts of the body to speed healing, relieve pain and inflammation, and improve bodily function.

2. Treatment of Pituitary Gland using Auto Hormonal Modulation Therapy with Highest Frequency Device 

    • The use of a device with Highest Frequency (HF) daily for 12 minutes to relax the stress line between the pituitary gland and supra gland.
    • Increase secretion of supra gland as a result causing better adrenalin production.
    • Stops chronic cortisol production.
    • Assists in menopausal symptoms.
    • Decreases serum cholestrinein in cancer patients.
    • Increases production of lymphocytes.

3. Ozone Therapy

    • To administer intravenously by vacuum-bottle a mandatory 3 times a week and ozone insufflations into the rectum 3 times a week.

4. Detoxification by Our Proprietary Infusion Programme

5. Soak in bath of Dead Sea Salt Crystals and Sodium Bicarbonate of 250gm for 45 minutes 2 Times a Week for 5 Weeks.

6. Cell Therapy (Fresh Frozen Live Cells)

    • 2 vials each, or maximum 4 in total with great emphasis on liver, thymus, supra gland and spleen.

7. Precursor Stem Cells

    • 2 vials each, or maximum 4 in total with great emphasis on liver, thymus, supra gland and spleen.

8. Balancing the pH Structure

    • Dextro- lactic acid 50 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day to regulate pH balance.

9. EUF (Eco – Ultrafiltrates) / NOP (Nano Organo Peptide)

    • Can be further complemented (after fresh frozen live cells) with Eco-ultrafiltrates that also known as Nano Organo Peptide (NOP) of liver, heart, CNS, LPPSIM and many others (

10. Trace elements

    • For example, germanium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper are essential.

11. Anti-stress and Energising with Morphgenetic Harmoniser System, the Rasha

The Rasha Morphogenetic Harmonizer System is a scalar plasma energy device with most advanced frequency generation software that protects, enhances and harmonizes the autonomic nervous system by relieving stressors, transmuting negative habitual patterns, support relaxation, cellular detoxification and healing from electrosmog and geopathic stress. This is morphogenetic scalar plasma energy mediation that is not based on the limited perspective or laws of Newtonian Physics but rather it adheres to a much larger set of multidimensional morphogenetic field physics that impacts the cells on the quantum level, allowing for the reprogramming and re-patterning of the morphogenetic fields surrounding every cell, organ and system of the body.

    • Increases energy level of every single cell in the body (70 – 90 millivoltrange)
    • Improves cell wall permeability
    • Improves mental focus and balance brain hemispheres
    • Cleanses the blood, improve chylomicron, triglyceride and fibrin patterns
    • Functions as antidepressant

The autologous vaccine can also be recommended to treat various types of allergic disorders such as allergic sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma and eczema. It is also useful against certain autoimmune disorders such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, polyarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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