Privacy Statement

Sep 23, 2009

This Privacy Statement will inform you of:

  • What information our site gathers about you.
  • How we use and with whom we share the information we gather.
  • How long we keep your medical data received from you.
  • What security procedures we have in place to protect your information from loss, misuse, or alteration.

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement should be directed to [email protected] Please specify “Privacy Statement” in the subject line of your e-mail. We, Fetal Cell Technologies International, Inc. and Edith Liebergeld Institute, Germany are hereby collectively known as ‘ASI® Therapy‘.


Privacy is of great concern to most users of the Internet, and is a critical part of an enjoyable and satisfactory user experience. We at ASI® Therapy are acutely aware of and sensitive to the privacy concerns of our clients and other visitors to our Web site. Whether you are a client or a visitor to our site, we assure you that we do not collect personal information from you unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide it to us. You should also be assured that we do not provide or sell information about our clients or site visitors to vendors.

This Privacy Statement applies to all ASI® Therapy‘s sites. ASI® Therapy bears no responsibility for the information provided by clinics or physicians linked to, or described on, our web site(s). We strive to provide our visitors and clients with the highest level of privacy possible, and therefore require that the clinics or physicians linked to, or described on, our web site(s) offer no less protection than that offered in this Privacy Statement. In addition, each one of clinics or physicians must meet in their web sites the data protection requirements of their relevant national laws.

ASI® Therapy is not responsible for the privacy practices, privacy statements, or content of various other web sites linked to ours.


If you feel that we are violating this Privacy Statement, please contact us at [email protected]. Please specify “Privacy Statement” in the subject line of your e-mail.

Personal Information

We do not collect any personal information from a visitor to our site unless that visitor explicitly and intentionally provides it. Under no circumstances do we collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or sex life. If you are simply browsing our site, we do not gather any personal information about you.

There is only one way in which you may explicitly and intentionally provide ASI® Therapy with and consent to our collection of certain personal and medical information:

Your Decision to Place an Order for Our Individually Prepared Active Specific Immunotherapy (For Each Patient) or other treatment modalities.

If you choose to place an order for manufacturing of our individually for each specific patient active specific immunotherapy , or other therapeutics of biologic nature, we will consider you a prospective client only after you provide us with a physician’s prescription for the same, or alternatively a medical summary of all your diseases(s) and of your overall medical condition, based on which we will advise you whether you are or you are not a candidate for active specific immunotherapy, or other type of biological therapies. But in any case, you will have to have a qualified physician familiar with active specific immunotherapy to carry out the procedure.

In your medical summary, or in your order for manufacture of your vaccines, we will require your name, date of birth, sex, address, phone number, e-mail address. In case that a client would authorize ASI® Therapy in writing to deliver vaccines to his/her physician, then we would require physician’s name, address, phone number, and E-mail address.

Statistical Information About Your Visit

When you visit our site, our computers may automatically collect statistics about your visit. This information does not identify you personally, but rather about a visit to our site. We may monitor statistics such as how many people visit our site, the user’s IP address, which pages people visit, from which domains our visitors come and which browsers people use. We use these statistics about your visit for aggregation purposes only. These statistics are used to help us improve the performance of our Web site.

Use of Cookies

We do not use ‘cookies’.


We assure you that the information we gather from you is used by ASI® Therapy only as explained below.

Use and Sharing of information that you provided to ASI® Therapy

ASI® Therapy responds to e-mail questions from those prospective clients only who submitted their medical summary, and were accepted by ASI® Therapy as suitable candidates for active specific immunotherapy. We will retain all medical data of the prospective client, and the subsequent E-mail correspondence, for one year since the date of the last contact. Immediately thereafter all such files are deleted.

The information about clients who ordered from ASI® Therapy has to be kept by law for an indefinite period of time, but at this time ASI® Therapy is prepared to do so for 5 years only.

ASI® Therapy does not share any information sent to us by a prospective client, or a client who placed an order for manufacture of stem cell transplants, with anyone.

Information Disclosure

If we are required by law to disclose certain information to local, state, federal, national or international government or law enforcement authorities, we will do so.


From time-to-time, we will notify our clients of new biological therapeutics, announcements, upgrades and updates. If you would like to opt-out of being notified, please contact us at [email protected]


ASI® Therapy considers the protection of all personally identifiable information we receive from our Web site visitors and clients as critical to our corporate mission. Please be assured that we have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of any information we receive from you. As with any transmission over the Internet, however, there is always some element of risk involved in sending personal information.


If a material change is made to this Privacy Statement and/or the way we use our clients personally identifiable information then, we will post prominent notice of the nature of such change on the first page of this Privacy Statement and also on our home page.

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