
A Brief Description of ASI® Production's Procedure:
  • 30 cc of venous blood is taken.
  • Treatment under sterile condition (laminar-flow technique, GMP standards).
  • Isolation of the Buffy-coat.
  • Separation of the Buffy-coat elements and treatment in different biochemical and physical steps.
  • Addition of different immune activating/modulating substances.
  • Boosting therapy with ozone.
  • Preparation of 30 vials of 1ml for injection on alternate days (subcutaneously).

New molecular immunological investigations have shown that the presence of cancer is also an immuno-biological problem in which case a therapeutic procedure appears meaningful.

In all reports about injections using treated or prepared tumour cells, the significance of the survival period is emphasised through freedom from relapses in the case of many types of cancer. One can assume that the different approaches taken during cell preparation, as well as the quantity and time periods between repeated uses, play an important role.

Methodology according to stages of cancer can be broadly classified into the following 3 categories:
  1. Small vaccinations from 10 ml of blood from the patient for 4-5 subcutaneous injections spaced one week apart.
    This procedure is for prevention purposes and can still be recommended in an early to medium phase of cancer stages
  2. A large vaccination from 30 ml of blood from the patient for treatment by means of a series of injections in an advanced stage of the disease.
  3. Manufactured of a specific-active vaccine from a native operation preparation for the patient for a series of injections of graded individualised vaccines of cytoplasmatic cell wall fractions, protoplasms (without nucleic acid and deactivated tumour commensals), in order to trigger various immune responses.
Procedure and Removal Guidelines
  1. Prevention for Anti Ageing, prevention to early medium stage of cancer.

About 30 ml of blood is drawn from the patient with 3 standard 10 ml syringes (only normal syringe is allowed). The syringe is then positioned vertically with the piston facing downwards at room temperature (e.g. in a plastic cup); labelled with the patient’s name and date of birth and the diagnosis will be sent by specifically human courier to our German set up certified lab within the next 24 hours after the formation of buffy coat normally after 36 hours.

2. Advanced stage of cancer from the Tumour tissue

A piece of tumour tissue is needed weighing between 5 and 10 grams which is roughly the size of the round end of the little finger or the thumb. The preparation should be stored in a small sterile pipe in its native form and kept in a refrigerator until it is picked up. Do not freeze! Transportation to the laboratory should take place within 12 hours at 4-8 degrees Centigrade.

Disorders of the Immune System Fall into 4 Main Categories:
  1. Immunodeficiency disorders

Primary immunodeficiencies are disorders in which part of the body’s immune system is not present or is not working properly. Most primary immunodeficiencies are hereditary, autosomal recessive or X-linked. About 1 in 500 people is born with a primary immunodeficiency (e.g. Digeorge syndrome and chronic granulomatous disease).

Secondary or acquired immunodeficiencies are the result of external processes or diseases through infection. Common causes are malnutrition, ageing and certain medication (e.g. chemotherapy, immunosuppressive drugs, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs).

It wipes out certain types of lymphocytes, i.e the T-helper cells. Without T-helper cells that acts as a conductor of an orchestra who direct and stimulates the entire system to defend the body against any invading micro organism, the entire mechanism will collapse.

2. Allergic disorders

Allergic disorder occurs when the immune system overreacts after exposure to antigens, usually the surrounding environment. Example of such disorders includes asthma, eczema or specific allergies which include environmental allergies (e.g. dust mites), drug allergies (e.g. specific medications), seasonal allergies (e.g. hay fever), food allergies (e.g. nuts).

3. Cancers of the immune system

Cancer is characterised by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissues. Cancer can spread throughout the body. Examples are leukemia and lymphoma.

4. Autoimmunity

Autoimmunity refers to the failure of an organism to recognise its own constituent parts as self, which causes the immune response against its own cells or tissues, i.e. our immune system mistakenly attacks our body’s healthy organs and tissues as if they are foreign invaders. Example of autoimmune disorder includes insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

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